Announcement on the Replacement of US Mining Machines in Batches by the Middle East Mines

RHY published in

Respected User,

Due to policy issues in the Middle East mines, all the mining machines in the mines were forced to shut down for several months. In order to consider the interests of miners, some computing power in North America can ease the replacement channel and transition. Currently, the mining machines of international users in the Middle East can be replaced by the mining machines powered on in the United States in proportion, and the number of powered-on machines can be replaced in batches. Due to the limited quantity, it will be replaced in batches according to the actual situation and step by step, please understand!

The hashrate of the restarted miner will be linked to the observer, and the user can specify the wallet address (when 0.01 BTC is reached, it will be automatically sent to the user's wallet). If you have any questions, please consult the official website online customer service. grateful!



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